Something to laugh at

Monday, August 08, 2005


I'm bummed out by laziness. This work report is not getting done, my room is a mess :S. I've also been disappointed by a friend. this person has such charisma and energy. Which makes it hard to believe that he cannot find the resources to perform the simplest of favours. he's adamant on appologizing for things he doesn't do "Sorry I can't help you more on this and that." but he can, he's fully capable and knowledgeable!! maybe it's laziness, but the true let down stems from the fact that I would do just about anything to help him, and my worth doesn't nearly compare in his eyes.

I am over reacting... but it's the way I feel right now. Whatever, i'm going to listen to music now. Sorry about this post.


Blogger Jill said...

Only one more week deary...then you're off to see the world!

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lou!! First of all never be sorry about any post u write =). And jill's right..ur off on vacation verryyyyy soon, just hang on =), ttyl,


8:49 AM  
Blogger 'lue said...

thanks a lot JIll and sophie!

Yeah, it's coming down to 8 more days...

I am sorry, I sound like a dork + 1/2!! oh well, I'll laugh about it when I'm old hehe

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, is a friend at work?

11:14 AM  

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