Something to laugh at

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Niagara Falls

I went out with J and El last night to Niagara falls... I had no idea we could get in the car, drive there and be walking down that freaky street with the haunted houses in 30 min. I haven't been to Niagara falls in a long time (because it's too close?) and kept freaking out like some dumb tourist; the other 2 are regulars to the town. We went to Rumor night club where J had some friends to meet up with. I think he knew the manager because we walked right up to the front of the line and didn't pay cover muahaha!!! The place had good music. El and J are shy guys... they prefer to stand against a wall and look creepy haha, but I made them dance a bit. The place was completely packed full of broncing Americans. There was one in particular with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that stretched from ear to ear, in my option, the hottest thing in the whole damn joint. I couldn't keep my eyes off him and we ended up dancing for an hour, woot woot!!

It's actually sunny out this morning! Grocery shopping I go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lou, what's up dude? It's 2:20am and I returned home from a cultural show my friends and I organized. I had an amazing time with my some of my closest friends there. The show was really good too :P

Amidst all the fun, I realized that something was missing. You. lol Now don't get too flattered :P I'm hurtin for some of my good old friends.

I'm so happy to see you're having a good time in Welland.

Take care dudette,

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figures that you would go for the blonde guy.

What can I say? Blonde + blue eyed = damn sexy

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shuaib, thanks i miss you too... i'm writting you an email soon!!

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and yes matt, damn sexy is an understatment :D

2:22 PM  

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