Something to laugh at

Thursday, October 06, 2005


I had another crazy night at the bomber, by the end of the night, I couldn't even dance without falling down. What I remember was fun though :S I haven't written in this for a long time now and doubt anybody still reads this, but I wanted to remember the best day of Autumn. Today was absolutely beautiful. It was supposed to cool down by today, but the weather people are often wrong about stuff like this. I passed by Waterloo park and fed the animals again. At some point I even fell asleep on the bench by some loud goats. They kept on BAhhing at each other incessantly. It reminded me of people fighting, all that bahhhing with no meaning nor resolve... just an occasional head bud or two.

School is overwhelming. I'm behind on all my courses and hope to catch up during the weekend... fingers crossed XX.


Blogger Jill said...

Hope you're doing better at catching up at work this weekend than I am >.<


10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jill thx for checkin in :)

1:16 PM  

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