Something to laugh at

Friday, August 05, 2005

Pebbles and butterflies

I did some research on my trip to Europe yesterday… actually managed to find the blog of someone who went on the exact tour I’m about to embark on. I have some free time before and after the tour. The plane lands in Manchester, quite a distance away from London… I’ll be taking some kind of coach there. Then I can hopefully find a cheap youth hostel and tour with people. Nothing is guaranteed to go the way we plan though. I’ve decided to leave the tour early and stay in Paris for an extra day or so… then take the water tunnel train to London. Other than that, NOTHING IS PLANNED!!! I’m leaving in 10 days… a time I once could hardly wait for, and now seems like it’s quickly approaching. I feel like I had a nice helping of pebbles and butterflies… they’re stuck.

Brings me back to a time when I asked a cute boy from work out on a date. I was delighted when he said yes, but the date was still to come! I liked him, a lot… and I remember feeling like a nervous wreck right before going out… like vomiting nervous… going to Europe without a clue nervous!! and I had no one to thank for my current state but myself. We ended up having an ok time, but never went out again. I hope London will work out better. I didn’t regret asking the cute boy out… and I’m sure as heck not going to regret this trip… it’s going to be bloody awesome!! There’s a lot more to research on my part, but you’d never know what to expect until you’re in that crowded London street, or across the table making leisurely chit chat with the cute boy. I can only prepare for so much, and have to take my chances with the rest… DIVE DIVE!!!

Ok… I’m blabbering now… on another note, I would like to share my new desire. I desire to be a better writer. This blog has shown me the limit of my vocabulary and expressive ability, like a Eurasian speaking Quack in 1984 (if you know what I mean). My first step is to try to read more and check up words I don’t know instead of skimming idly past them.

Must get back to work. Maria, Faraz, and Steve are coming to Stratford for a play today, should be really nice to see them!


Blogger Jill said...

I think the nervousness that you're currently feeling is part of the excitement. B/c it's something new, so you're obviously nervous, but it's going to be an awesome trip! I'm kinda jealous :P

However, I do recommend looking into London & Paris so you have an idea of what you *want* to see. B/c otherwise, you'll be overwhelmed when you get there, and just waste your time :S

10 days...holy fuck that's soon!

I also suck at writing. And I've definitely started to read more...there are so many books that are classics that I have not read. Sometime before she died, Pat told Kat that one day, when she gets her own place, she wants to have an entire room, just devoted to books - for she wanted to read them all! I'm in that mode lately. I go through phases of reading a lot, and not reading as much. Next work term, when we both have more time (since you're leaving soon, then we have school), we should read the same book at the same time, and talk about it!

Have fun with the ppl coming tonight...say hi to them for me!

7:36 AM  
Blogger 'lue said...

thanks jill, I sure don't want to waste my time when I get there.

Reading a room full of books will be a great achievement, maybe it's something you can do in yoru life.

We will read the same book for sure!! HP6 was kinda like that :)
And I see you gave Geoff the manhattan site, glad he like it

7:49 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

but no matter how many books I read, there'll be more that I haven't read :S

one that I'd like to try to read, which I've heard is amazing, is the Count of Monte Cristo. But it's very very long.

HP6 was kinda like that were about 20 chapters ahead of me all the time! :P

Yes...he definitely liked it >.<

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you want to build your vocabulary and writing skills. I have this great vocab. builder that you should study. Don't rely on just reading classics; you should read only for the love of it, and if you pick up a few new words hey thats great. But serious vocab. building comes from seeking out words with only vocab. building in mind. Try vocab. builders, and do some random clicking at too. Reading for purely vocab. building only takes away from the magic of visualising beautiful new worlds.

As for writing style, etc, do check out this guy: Dheo: Words. I'm always struck by the imagery, esp. in this poem, this one too and some others. This poem shows some good vocab. Read the comments to see where he got it.

Can't wait for the play Lu :) Our water is turned off until 4 today, so I can't even iron my clothes or get ready until then :(

10:47 AM  
Blogger 'lue said...

Thanks for the links faraz, the poems were simple and beautiful.

I will try to click around the Thesaurus. Hope you had fun at the play, see you at schooL!

10:27 AM  

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