Something to laugh at

Friday, January 20, 2006

Hello weekend, I've been waiting for you

The company is going through some major crisis. Sales have dropped 100% in the last couple of months. The plant has had some major lay-offs. Even the engineering department is affected. People I was just talking to the day before were dismissed the next day.

My super nice waterloo grad of a boss assured me a student would not have been hired only to be laid-off half way through the term; this is quite a relief, although he may still receive pressure from the uppers to dismiss me. This surreal work experience has turned into a harsh reality this week.

It wasn’t easy to get me here, so now I HAVE to do some good stuff at work.

In better news, I’m on my way to achieving the biggest accomplishment during coop. The company is going to build a design modification I came up with. There’s still a lotta safety approvals to go through, but it’s on its way!! Very exciting indeed

Hopefully the roomies will check out the campus bar with me this weekend. I hear Niagara College knows how to do it up right. Cheers!


Blogger Jill said...

The same thing happened to me on my second work term, which is pretty scary. Thankfully, while we think we're making a lot, we're only making pennies compared to the salaries of some of the operators.

The same thing could happen this term again...depending if we ever get the plant started (they're supposed to start up again tomorrow at 5pm, but they've just had such bad luck lately with it :S)

That's awesome about the design modification...good work Lou! :)

Have a good weekend <3

2:11 PM  

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