Something to laugh at

Monday, January 23, 2006

Boys are weird.

There are some things a person can try to understand for the rest of her life but will never truly do so. Instead, I've decided to save my time and conclude that boys are weird and that I will never understand them.

That triggered this conclusion? J and El of course... they seem to be all I see at "home" in Welland now. The weird thing about these two is, they get along even though El only has the ability of converse basic english. Their bond comes from the fact that they can wrestle with each other. I used to think it was all fun and games til they got really carried away one time in the kitchen. They were full out grappling on the floor and J's face and bald head turned all red. They swore at each other... I was just watching them and keeping an eye out for where the hot stove and boiling water was, in case they accidentally pushed me into it.

Weird? No, guys get into fights sometimes, I'll accept that. What's weird is, they started fighting for no apparent reason and just as quickly, they got up and laughed it of. WHAT?!?!?! That made NO sense!! If you want the exercise, go out for run, if you want to hump something, get a ... mound haha. Perhaps it's just boredom... ahhh, there I go trying to understand them again... they're weird... I'm done.


Blogger Jill said...

Boys...can't live with them, can't live without them. *sigh*

3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lou, next time this happens, leave the room. You don't waste your time watching or trying to understand this type of nonsense. If you think it's too much and they may injured each other one day, tell them you don't like it (as a housemate) and if they don't control themselves or take it outside, you are going to let the landlord know. They may read your blog as well, so be careful with your words.

6:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, sounds like mom!!

I was cooking dinner and they trapped me in the kitchen area. And there is NO way they will ever find this blog, no worries.

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh...boys...i agree with jill...and you too lou....cant live with them, cant live without them...and they are WEIRD =S...sadly i know that aspect wayyy to much, lol. Fighting in the kitchen eh?, childish id mom always calls my dad her 3rd child....i can finally understand that now...,


12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you think women are ohhhhhh so simple to understand? Men are simple creatures...they like boobs and funny odours and use fighting as a means of bonding. How hard is that to understand?

5:43 PM  

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