Something to laugh at

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Going bleeping crazy!!

I’ve been listening to incessant beeping all day. I’m helping the IT guy reprint labels. They must be manually fed and each time the printer beeps 3 times to tell you it’s ready for some more. If I do it strategically, I can cut the printer down to a half a beep. It takes precise timing, something I’ve gain through experience of this rewarding task.

Half a beep is still a beep. MAKE IT STOP!! I’m driving everyone else in the office nuts as well. You can hear it all the way through the hall, AROUND A CORNER!!
I’ve been thinking…. real hard about how to make this printer work continuously. To which the IT guy responded “it cannot be done.” F@$#er... the printer I mean… go bleep yourself!!

Right now I’m typing with one hand while frantically pressing the feed button with the other. Can someone video tape this? If I can’t get a printer to work, I can at least tell kids to stay in school.


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