Something to laugh at

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Good Day Sunshine

I've been listening to some kickass classic rock courtesy of Wolfy, it's got almost every Beatles song under the sun... even their crappy period.

Work is wrapping up, my bosses will be talking to me about my evaluation soon too... geeez... i've got a bad feeling about this one, but just too tired to care at this point. I've been going to the library every evening to plan out this trip... seems i've been intending to do that a lot lately, but end up reading "Fashion" magazine instead. Don't get me started on the fall collection WOWY!!! I'm starting to think money really can buy happiness... or at least the cutest white dress in history.
There won't be much room in my luggage, but I"m bringing a dress damnit!!


Blogger Jill said...

Yay for every Beatles song under the sun!! What would you consider their "crappy period" though? Which songs?

Good luck with the eval..I'm sure you did fine :) Did you get a WR written?

You talking about the white dress with the dark neckline & sash & gold at the bottom? Or which one?

10:35 AM  
Blogger 'lue said...

hey jill!

You told me the crappy period was when they sang that obla di obla da song. My boss has been in a meeting ALLL DAY!! so no eval yet, WR is almost done... still have to put it together.
And yes that's the white dress :)

10:49 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

LOL...wasn't sure if that's what you were talking. I still like that song, it's just not one of their best.

That is a cute dress - not my style, but cute. I can't really wear white though - too pale :S But I think with your skin & long black hair, you'd look good in it :)

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I borrow a few thousand dollars to buy it :P

5:02 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

I'll give you $2000 for the dress, if you pay my $4300 tuition bill :D

5:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Lou,

Just started reading your journal....... and I am at work, yeah I am procrastinating....... lol

but wanted to know how you doing so, 15 minutes of reading won't hurt

6:14 AM  

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