Something to laugh at

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

WEEF is good but only if you pay.

An issue has been brought up in my class forum. Just what is our money doing for the endowment fund and the school?

Good questions:
From what I understand WEEF is run by putting student donations in one big investment, and using the interest from that to provide services for engineering students and projects.
So, a few Questions:
1. Is that true?
2. If so, how much is in there right now?
3. What amount of interest is obtained/how frequently?

Reply from the WEEF director:
1. Is that true?

Yes, WEEF stands for Waterloo Engineering endowment Foundation. So, all thedonations are put in the principle and only the interest is spent.

2. If so, how much is in there right now?

Total principle is just about $6.5 M right now and its increasing by everyterm.

3. What amount of interest is obtained/how frequently?

Every year we spend a certain percentage of the principle amount. This is theAllowable Expenditure Rate of the Endowment Principal. An amount equal to theConsumer Price Index (CPI) of the previous year times the current EndowmentPrincipal is directed into the Endowment Principal to protect against inflation.If investment income exceeds the Allowable Expenditure Rate the excess will bedirected to the Reserve Principal. If the investment income is less than theAllowable Expenditure Rate the funds will be drawn from the Reserve Principal.

This year we will spend over $220,000. The funding spent will increase year byyear as the principle will grow. World class teams like UWAFT, Midnight Sun,formula SAE get a significant amount of their funding from WEEF. WEEF alsoprovides funding to departments for several upgrades. Such as new softwares,lab equipment and computers, upgrades to student machine shop.

A budget of $220,000 for 2005 can be earned from a 6.5 million dollar trust fund returning 3.4% interest. Surely we can do better than that!

The annual budget has been increasing; up from $170,000 in 2004 and $140,000 in 2003.

Assuming the fund returns 3.4% interest. To compensate for the inflation rate of 2.2%, investment income should equal $143,000 or donation from 1906 students. Most students don’t collect a refund. 1906 is less than half the student body. Investment will definitely continue to grow.

When will it ever be enough? The intended budget of $80,000 this term can cover only 35% of proposals. Free money will always create more demand than resources available, but there is only so much one can ask for within reason. Will we get department yachts in 10 years? Before then, an eruption in the student body is more likely. Why should students continue to pay $75 in full when WEEF is already sitting in a multimillion dollar pool? This investment must plateau at some point, or do we want the biggest student run endowment fund in the world? WEEF expresses no signs of slowing down any time soon. Their repetitive and pathetic propaganda might get them somewhere with first year students, but my money is better spent on sour grapes, thanks.


Blogger Jill said...

LOL. I'm sure Maria loves your class for that eh?

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they should spend the entire $220k on a select few students. Buy them all some nice clothing, makeovers , etc. Do it for like 10% of each class. Then people will go to class to see the pretty people, and morale will go up as the pretty people will distract from the shit-ugly campus we call home. I'd like to see the 'new' lab equipment (I bet the new stuff is used crap that's still probably older than us) and the shiny new software do that.

(Hmmmm...I wonder if WEEF would cover me for some cosmetic surgery. I should put in a proposal.)

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha....ya, WEEF money should be put to some good use...and matt is right, tons of ppl are in need for massive makeovers =P. Jks.

Anyway, i didnt realize that they were collecting our 'donations' and only letting us use the interest from the principle amount. Will they EVER spend that extra cash? It does seem pretty stupid to me, because all along i thought they were in desparate need for my 75 bucks each term, and i felt guilty to even think of wanting it back. If they have 6 M just sitting there, i think i wanna spend my 75 bucks this term on shoes, lol.


5:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They’re relying on students lack of effort. Like you have to pay for it now, but if you want to be heartless and take it back, then go to this small room no one can find during specified hours and you should get your refund in the 10th of 11th week of class…

yeah great idea matt, lets all get plastic surgery *rolls eyes*

5:58 AM  
Blogger Ranen said...

WEEF is useless. Take your $75 back.


11:11 PM  

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