Cleaning Up.

Today was the first office cleanup ever. There are bins full of crap lying around here and the whole place smells like pine. Since my desk has always had different people and students sitting in it. It had a mound of interesting gadgets and machine parts in boxes. I took time to open them all and had no idea what most of them were. I realized today that such eccentrically designed and fabricated components have absolutely no use if you don’t know what it does, I may as well reuse the bolts off them. Same goes for technical literature. The binders they came in were all we ended up keeping. I didn’t have the heart to throw away some of this stuff. So I’m lugging them home with me.
If anybody would like a CD holder, I have 3 more. I don’t know about you guys, but in this engineering student’s eyes, it is the coolest CD holder EVER!! I'm sure you can do other stuff with it too...
I have too many cds now, and so both my holders are full, thus if you still have any when we go back to Waterloo in May, I'll happily take one off your hands, if that's cool?
they'll be waiting for you!!
but it's actually a really BIG SPRING.
Yea I figured. But if it does the job, then it definitely will be the COOLEST CD HOLDER EVER!! :P If not, I'm sure there are many other uses for a really BIG SPRING ;)
I want a big spring!
It'll be here when school starts :)
Thanks for checking in ally!
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