Something to laugh at

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Google takes over the world.

I have just discovered the earth. Google Earth provides a panoramic view of the entire planet. Just type in a destination and it zooms from a sperical lil' planet all the way down to your car in the driveway. I flew from Toronto to London, Amsterdam, Paris, China in seconds. The satellite images give a whole new point of view. It’s so real, the earth, at my fingertips… MUAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!

If the Almighty does in fact exist, this would be a pretty kick ass way to pass the time. Except he can probably zoom into people’s houses and pluck hairs from their heads.


Anonymous Anonymous said... plucking! And thats pretty earth...i now have something NEW to waste time at work doing =)., thanks =),


12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, I've been playing with google Earth for the last while. I didn't know it existed till I read the Google article on wikipedia about 4 weeks ago. I was very excited when I got home that day.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

Ima gonna have to check this out sometime! B/c I can never have too many ways to distract me from getting things done ;)

4:50 AM  

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