Something to laugh at

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

White Water Green Ham

I went out with some friends from work + Sharon, Matt and Constantin for my birthday. Tom, Sean and Justin were thoughtful enough to buy me a beautiful Amish green and white dress with non-matching lay and tiara (which I had to put on at the bar) I looked like a freak show, but the night was a lotta fun.

Work as been crazy. I've been scrambling around and was sent up to my old group to fill in. No progress had been made on any of my projects. The last installment of poker night happened last Thursday. I need to write this down in case the temptation returns: Poker sucks because I suck at it. So I should stop playing poker and buy food with my money.

The weekend was really eventful even though I didn’t get any quality sleep. Going to Kitchener was like entering another season. There was covered in snow and freezing (Oshawa has yet to see storm). I met up with Al at Molly’s for a pint and then some. It was so great to catch up with him; I missed him a lot. We crashed at Jan’s house and watched Boys Don’t Cry before going to sleep; the movie was depressing as hell, but we were too tired to care. It was great to see Jan too, we went to Symposium for lunch the next day and caused a ruckus at the little chocolate shop when Janet knocked down the ceramic Open sign on her way out, and couldn’t put it back. She’s really happy with the new guy too ;) After saying byes to Janet, I took off to the green grass and warm climate of Hamilton. It’s always the same story when I go there: Plan on going to places and doing stuff – actually end up doing nothing all weekend. I love it.


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