Something to laugh at

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Today is March 30, 2006

There is no particular theme to what I’ll be writing today, just a diary entry.

I had the weirdest dream last night. I started out great, and turned into a nightmare. The events that take place in my dreams are often so vivid and detailed. It creeps me out, because it was a product of my mind. I heard that the human brain throws nothing away. Everything is recorded and kept into files. The things we can’t remember are simply put in the wrong place. Perhaps we can access this information better in our sleep. I was so shocked by what I saw, it actually woke me up; then I realized I was hungry. Don’t ever sleep on an empty stomach!

Work is stressing me out today. I tried to pull off another miracle doing a machine setup in one morning, but it was positioned too close to other operations. Nothing worked, BAH!

A new gal moved into my house today. She is from one of the African French colonies. I couldn’t pull together enough French to ask her what nationality she is. She likes loud obnoxious music. I think El may have found a new friend.

After my last driving course, I’m going out for a drink and some dinner with a co-worker. He’s a totally easy going person but I’m telling you now, it better not be a date, and he better not think it is. He recommended we go to “the Venice” some fancy shmancy restaurant for dinner… uhhh, no… I just want to get a drink and get the hell out. Of course, if he does not perceive this as a date, then I can go ahead and enjoy his company (and not have to constantly talk about my mom and how I still live with my parents and sleep with a teddy bear… or hinting at the fact that I AM TOO YOUNG FOR YOU… SIR). The truth is, I’m intimidated. Men usually have one or two things on their minds at all times. I’m afraid a man who has been around a lot longer than the kind I’m used to will catch me off guard. I will admit to have fallen victim to such people before; but never again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, let it be never again. If you don't want people to misunderstand you, you don't have to hint, you tell directly and clearly. That's what I see THE polite way. Don't waste your and other's time trying to figure things out slowly. Life is too short. Respect each others' time and energy. When people can identify themselves clearly in a relationship, they will be more relaxed and enjoy themselves better, be it a fellowship, a friendship or whatever ship/mate. You think so. By the way, we cannot go to your place the weekend. D got to work. ma

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He better not think this is a date."

Let's see now, it's coming to the end of your work term, this older coworker wants to take you out to a 'fancy schmancy' resteraunt... would it be safe to say he's picking up the bar tab?

No, no he doesn't think it's a date at all. Pure, clean, platonic thoughts on this gentleman's mind tonight. It's not like he's thinking you may follow him home afterward or anything, right? No, no that would be -so- wrong.

7:24 PM  

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