Something to laugh at

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Never grumpy

Rob (boss): “Hey Lou, some samples are coming by to your desk, we need them shipped out ASAP.”
Me: “Alright.”
Rob (scrambling/shuffling his million tasks): “I’ll email you the shipping address, FedEx it overnight, it needs to be in our shipping department by tomorrow morning.”

Rob storms out with a bunch of papers and boxes. I’ve been pretty bored with work lately. Not that there isn’t work to do, but it’s repetitive stuff and my legs are stiff from sitting all day.

Outlook beeps to tell me I have mail. Sigh* ‘…There’s the shipping info.’ I think to myself,

“When I was over talking to Rob you looked bored or grumpy :)
SMILE! Just a little one :)

M.O. ”

HAHAHA, This might sound weirld, but it’s stuff like this that give me optimism and faith in mankind.
I will now go back to smiling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lou, are you blogging during work hrs.? Don't. You get paid to work. Look around you and see those things you don't know. Why not find out when you have nothing to do. What are you going to put on your work term report? Count the things you have learned at your work so far and try to increment the number. m

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

m, you're checking my blog during work hours? For shame!!

Actually, I got the email just as I was leaving for the day, so it was written after work hours. we'll talk about YOUR behaviour later.

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick and D too. We are off work today. m

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick and D too. We are off work today. m

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's good that you people have such an open relationship at work. I can relate to the boring repetitive jobs, but luckily for me I work in a lab with a guy who likes to ramble on about everything he knows. I'm slowly learning all the physics behind most of the analytical equipment in here and how to build my own telescope. :P

The link you sent me last night was just TOO funny. I probably woke up my roommates laughing. :D

6:05 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

Link that made Matt laugh so hard he woke his roomies up? I wanna see this link :P (if you don't mind...)

6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI jill
the link is

I still laugh when I see it :)

3:46 PM  

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