Something to laugh at

Monday, March 13, 2006

Don't know how to deal

I spent a very quiet weekend in Welland. Now I remember why I never stay here during weekends. There was nothing to do!
I played a lot of guitar and read some, but was still bombarded by incessant thoughts in my head. 2 fulls days of this is enough to make me go a little haywire.

Work is absolutely insane right now. I don't have a minute to sit down (which is good I suppose), time is passing by rather quickly. There is still have a gut wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know the cause, but don't know how to deal with it. Time will heal all I suppose.

Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's Monday. But what really tipped me over (and I finally decided to blog) was at the sight of my pathetic looking sandwich for lunch. I am really sad about the sandwich, it's 2 pieces of limp bread with some stuff in the middle. Somehow it became the representation of how my life is at the present moment; limp, lifeless and unfulfilling... salty and full of mustard too?

For those that read this, I know it's unlike my normal character to be so down; but it does happen from time to time. I appologize... something needs to change.

After posting that, I realized what a difference it was from my previous entry. I'm just all over the place aren't I? There's some girl in me after all :)


Blogger Jill said...

We all go through times of limp lives hun - I definitely know how you feel. 7 weeks till we're back for summer term in the Loo, and life will be full of experience again! It'll go fast babe, don't worry. Don't forget, this weekend's St Paddy's, and next weekend's Montreal - good times!

But yes, I go through up & down moods all the time. It'll get better babe. If you need to talk, I'll be on MSN at some point tonight, so just message me.

Love ya babe! And smile - you look so pretty when you do ;)


9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks jill,

I'll try, talk to you later :)

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lou..its so strange...u should read my post that i just wrote. It's exactly like yours..i feel down too =S. It could be cause its monday..but i feel that there is alot missing in my life right now when i stop to look at it for what it is. It saddens me too. Btw, i changed the link of my blog (some ppl were reading it that i didnt want reading it...but u and ppl that read your blog are welcome to continue reading it....its called: Have a good one...and try to cheer up =),


12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering where your blog went :)

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody gets down from time to time. I've seen you go through cycles in the past 2.5 years, so I'm sure you'll get through what's bring you down now just like before.
It's interesting to know that you can compare yourself to a sandwich, but just remember that in 7 weeks we'll all be back at Waterloo. Then whenever you're feeling down you're walking distance from a hug.

3:56 PM  

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